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If the eyes are the windows to the soul, what are the lips?

It says in the Torah that they are the eyes of our soul; who is to stop us from seeing the beauty in the mirror? "The lips are the mirror unto the soul." The Jews had a special relationship with their lips! They were seen as mirrors and symbol. The Jews also had an ideal of beauty. The Greeks saw them as mirrors so they could see better. If we compare the Torah and other ancient Scriptures, we can see that we cannot separate the eyes from the lips. We cannot separate ourselves from the beauty of what we see in the eyes.
Now the problem is that, to look in the mirror may seem impossible and unattainable today. We find that this is completely impossible today because we have become so connected by the technologies of today. Today our eyes are capable of making our mind go where no previous human ever had been before. And a mirror does that. But with a little further development the power of God's grace and the possibility for true beauty has risen!
Today when we look at someone and see something positive to ourselves, our soul is filled with love. And this love is given so that we are able to express it to the person so that they come to us and see the good in others. As the Holy Spirit is a source of pure love, its power is beyond our perception. In Scripture Moses described how God opened the eyes in the desert and when Aaron and his wife, Rebecca, saw the beauty in the sun, the eyes of their daughter Elisha were opened, and they saw in their heart that he was the child of nature. In the same way we see the beauty of a mirror and the beauty of God and how we can feel in them when we see the beauty in ourselves or look in them - we see that we can be truly beautiful! If we are given the ability to feel the beauty that God has given to us, we become more able to give our love to others.
So, to return to the problem of how to use the eyes - that problem has to be addressed. How can we look outwards? That also has to be addressed with an increase of the power of our will and inner grace. And in all this, it has to be given to our eyes through the Divine Grace. As it says in the Talmud, "When the eyes appear within us, a good thing is accomplished" and "God shall not leave behind anything, and nothing is hidden from us," a good thing for us today is to have the potential to see better. We may take in the images of the beauties in the sky and the mountains (that is the God of heaven) at night with the aid of the Holy Vision. But this cannot be done without the power of the Holy Vision. Today, we are having difficulty seeing in our own right and we cannot see things outside of our mind.
When we are given access to the Holy Vision, we see things in a different light as in Moses' time. When a man looked into a mirror he saw, at least, that he was beautiful. But, when he went out, he was ashamed and his beauty was rejected - he remained naked. When, today, we are given access to the Holy Vision in our thoughts and our words, we can see things in a different light as we cannot see things in our own right without the Holy Vision as well as with a change of the intention of the Holy Vision.
The mind knows what it is trying to express, we learn to say when we are learning. The heart, at heart, knows something more valuable than words when its lips are speaking, when their blood is pumping.
But, my friends: if you are in the business of teaching us better ways to live, then please look for yourselves, and perhaps you'll find answers that help us live for more and fuller ways!
So let's do our part to make it even more enjoyable and wonderful by sharing it in as many ways as we can.
Please do not hesitate to leave it all on the earth and join me on this wonderful little journey that will bring us more of this life and much more of the rest. (If you've ever wondered how to stay alive in the world and make an impact, that's the thing that really makes exceptional… I'm on it.)
In the meantime, I'm working on the next stage in that journey and I'll be writing more in coming months and years about it, just to make sure that the great Dream lives on in our lifetime. (And we all hope you'll join me too, just to ensure the dream continues, for we're all in this together.)
So let that be your journey and maybe you'll come through to find us even better people and more of the world together.
Be Happy friends!


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